deep, eerie guitar tune starts to play, while the periodic table flashes across
the screen while greenish/yellow smoke starts to surround the elements Br and
Ba. One of the most recognizable beginnings to a television show, Breaking Bad
has captivated audiences across the country. With its suspenseful story line,
it has kept its audiences at the edge of their seats every Sunday night on AMC.
As we all know, Breaking Bad shows how high school chemistry teacher Walter
White becomes ill with terminal lung cancer, and wants to make sure that when
he dies that his family is financially stable. So he teams up with a former
student of his, Jesse Pinkman, and they decide to get in the business of
cooking meth, which earns them millions of dollars. Some may say that creator
Vince Gilligan has sculpted one of the best TV drama shows to air on
the series you see how Walt and Jesse cook their famous blue meth, how to dispose
of dead bodies by using supplies you can get at a local home improvement store,
how Mike can commit countless murders and not have any trail of evidence behind
him, and the list goes on and on. For the exception of episodes towards the end
of the show, if murders or other acts of crime were committed, the writer’s did
an exceptional job figuring out ways to cover it all up so Hank and other law
enforcers would not be able to catch Heisenberg and everyone else involved. It
was executed so perfectly on the show that viewers were in awe of the outcomes
of the episodes. Kind of an “omg that did not just happen!” feeling. So if it
worked on TV, could these tactics work in the real world? If drug dealers,
killers, or even drug users watched or heard of the show, did they think that
the same things which kept Walt safe from police for so long could work for
them in their lives? In other words, did Breaking Bad give criminals the right
tools for never getting caught by law enforcements? Or can criminals think that
how Walt did this wasn’t right, so they know how to improve his tactic and make
it flawless.
In the Daily
Beast, Michael Daly wrote about a story which could have been an episode straight
out of Breaking Bad, but retitled “Breaking Worse.” The star of Breaking Worse
is Walter White, but not Bryan Cranston’s character in the show. The 54 year
old auto body shop owner’s name is Walter White and think of his business as
the meth lab where Jesse and Walt cooked once they got into business with the
manager of Los Pollos Hermanos. Even the television show didn’t include a
father-son shootout. On
December 20, 2013, White’s 23 year old son Brandon White was waiting in his car
in the parking lot of the auto shop for his father. As soon as White’s pickup
truck entered the parking lot, Brandon started shooting at the truck. Walter
was hit and sped off leaving the scene, while Brandon and an unrecognizable man
went into the shop and carried out unknown items. Brandon tried spray painting
his car blue, so cops wouldn’t think that was his car Police caught up with Brandon,
which described his reasoning for shooting was because there was a dispute over
drug debt. Walter White was not charged with anything dealing with the
shooting, and continued to deal the meth he supplied. He had men which worked
for him to sell the meth he produced. These men were the Badger and Skinny Pete
of this operation. However, all good things must come to an end when on March 1st;
highway patrol stopped a vehicle on Interstate 90 and confiscated a quarter
pound of meth and 80 grams of heroin. Similarly, on March 11, Idaho State
police pulled over another male working for White and taking 3 pounds of meth
along with a pound of cocaine. The following day at a dealer’s home, 6 pounds
of meth, 2 pounds of cocaine, 100 grams of heroin, 3 handguns and $56,000 in
cash were confiscated. When police searched the dealer’s car, 16 more guns were
taken. Out of the 16, two assault rifles. To top it all off, on March 14th federal
agents raided White’s body shop and confiscated the remnants of the drugs which
came from a more than 32 pound order, which was sold at an earlier time. There
were also 4 ounces of meth, $15,291 in cash and 2guns.

Andrea, I really enjoyed reading your blog as it the real story paralleled that of the fictional one featured on AMC. I agree that Breaking Bad was so well written that it does leave viewers wondering if something so detailed and elaborate could actually happen in real life. I also believe that your blog calls into question the correlation between what we consume and our actual behavior. Does what we consume impact our decision making process etc. I do not believe it does however, it depends on which theory you believe in.